Wednesday, June 8, 2011

by BeachBody coach Loretta Phillips
So many of us are fed up with the daily grind at work, tired of being bossed around and bored of listening to the gripes of our colleagues. This is when we dare to dream about being our own boss, setting up a web based business from home and finally calling all the shots ourselves. The idea can be very enticing but at the same time fill us with fear and dread of the unknown and serious self-doubt.  In this blog post we take a look at the top 10 benefits of working from home and show you how being the boss of your own web-based business will seriously improve your entire lifestyle from your finances to your free time. I was suffering as a result of all then issues we all experience every day at work, so I became a BeachBody Coach. I'm my own boss, I choose my own work hours and I am relaxed and stress free. An now, if you follow this series of blogs about how to work effectively from home, you can be too! Read on!
1.    You are in control of your own work hours
·      Are you an early riser? Or a night owl? Either way when you work for yourself from home you call the shots and you can choose your own working hours and change them daily. This gives you endless freedom to do whatever you like with your days and nights and work around the things that are most important to you.
·      You can work part time or full time as you wish!
·      Another huge benefit is having much more time to spend with your loved ones and if you have children, being able to organise your childcare to suit you and actually attending important events such as your children's sports day.

2.    You can outsource all the menial jobs you HATE!
·      This is my absolute favourite benefit of working from home. Everyone has aspects of their job that leaves them cold, just take a minute to think of the one work task you always leave until last.
·      What is the thing that you have turned into a giant monster, that you see as an impossible task, even though you really know it’s not that hard? What tedious task fills you with dread and fear. Do you break out in a cold sweat just imagining doing your expenses? Do you dread sifting through your mail separating the essential emails from the junk?
·      Worry no more. You can keep your demons at bay by hiring an online personal assistant via a website such as Elance, to do all your mundane tasks for you. If you're first thought is that it will be costing you precious money, just ask yourself how much several hours of free time a week, less stress and total peace of mind is worth to you and realise it is a small cost for a huge benefit.

3.    No Commuting to work early in the morning or late at night
·     This is such a great benefit as it lowers your stress and saves you time, money and effort. A no brainer!

4.    You Decide How Much $$$ you Earn
·      Personal Finance is the number one contributor to stress so controlling your own income is a fantastic benefit to working for yourself from home.
·      If you offer services in return for cash then you can control your income by setting the hours you work yourself and set ting the cost of the service on a client by client basis. You can also ensure that you are offering a better service than any of your competitors so you can charge a little more to a few select high end clients or charge less and attract a wider client base.
·      If you are selling products you get to decide which ones you want to sell and ultimately concentrate on marketing the big ticket (high value) items that give you a better return and profit margin, meaning you work less hours for more money.

5.    Less Stress
·      It is a simple fact that when we feel out of control we feel more stressed.
·      When you are your own boss you are in control of every aspect of your working life and you can prioritise your workload and your work-life balance to suit you, which in turn makes you less stressed and more productive at both work and play.

6.    You are in Control of Your Own Work Environment
·      Do you get a bad back while sitting at your PC at work? Do you hate wearing a suit? Does Betty from accounts drive you nuts talking about her health problems? Are you sick of eating the same lunch from the same expensive sandwich bar every day?
·      Well, when you’re the boss and you work from home, all these workplace annoyances disappear into the ether because you get to decide what you wear (pyjamas anyone?), how your desk is set up for your own comfort, who you see throughout the day, what you eat and of course when you eat it!
·      Plus of course you can listen to your favourite music in the background all day or sit in total silence depending on your mood and also choose your lunchtime around your favourite TV program if you so desire.

7.    Your overall Health Improves!
·      Do you hate the way some jobworths come into work with the flu just to score brownie points with the boss? It may mean kudos for them but it inevitably also means a heavy dose of their flu for you!
·      Well when you work alone from home alone you never get sneezed over on the commute or by your work mates. 
·      Also by reducing your stress you boost your immune system and are less prione to illness.
·     You have more "me time" to look after yourself and you can work out from home instead of wasting money at the gym. Check out the BeachBody Club Diet and Workout Programs for all levels of fitness from beginner to mega-ripped for just $2.99 a week. Click here:

8.    No Negative Influences
·      Do you ever get into work in a relatively good mood only for it to be slowly eroded by the mindless moaning of everyone else in the office? Or are you the one doing the complaining and bringing the overall atmosphere and productivity down? Be honest with yourself. EIther way you need to change the situation to make yourself happier.
·      Well when you work for yourself there is no one to moan and no one to listen which adds up to a much more positive work environment and a happier more positive, more productive you.

9.    You Can Start an Online Business with a Very Low Investment
·      There is a misconception that every business needs thousands of pounds in investment before it can start.
·      You can start an online business for less than $40 including setting up your website, hosting and marketing via social media platforms.
·      Low investment and high return means your business can be highly profitable in weeks.

10.  Earn Money $$$ While You Sleep!
·      One of the main benefits of running your own online business is putting in place various automatic
      processes and procedures that allow you to earn $$$ while you relax.
·      How often have you tried to explain to your boss that you could carry out a task much more quickly and efficiently using a different process, only to be told that the current method is the way it’s always been done and not to deviate from it? Soul destroying and downright inconvenient when you know you could do it better.
·      When you run your own online business you can set up automatic processes that are run by your computer while you spend the day with family and friends or simply catching up on your favourite TV show or getting some much needed ZZZZZs.
·      A prime example is using an auto-responder to set up marketing emails to be delivered regularly to your clients and prospects. Simple. Effective. Fast. Effortless.
As you can see the benefits far outweigh any fears you may have about running your own business from home. The sum total of all these benefits is a more relaxed, more confident, more in control, less stressed you. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try it?
Anyone can become a successful BeachBody coach whatever your career background or your own health and fitness level. You will be helping others to get fit and healthy and transform their lives with the added benefit of getting fit yourself if you want to! It is very rewarding and gives you all the benefits set out above. For more information please click here and start your new stress free life today:
To your happiness and success!


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