Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Holy Healthfoods Batman! - Superhero Foods to put the Ka-Pow Back into Your Life

This blog post is brought to you in association with @BeachBodyBible on Twitter!

We've gone superhero crazy as we take a look at some healthtastic superfoods that you should be including in your diet...

NB: The following superhero sound effects are courtesy of Batmania.com which even indexes the Batman episodes each sound appears in - gotta love it! http://bit.ly/nMoa4X

What are Superfoods?

Superfoods was a phrase first coined in the 1990s to describe food items that contain a particualrly high level of beneficial vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which help prevent disease and have a positive healing and effect on the body. The Batman and Robin, Superman and Spiderman (insert the name of your favourite superhero here) of the food world, if you will. (Just go with it, it's the weekend, it's fun, we're feeling frivolous - although our message is serious!)

"POW!" Packing a Punch - Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate seed oil is an excellent dietary supplement as it reduces the body's ability to store fat and has powerful antioxidant properties that prevent fatty deposits forming in your arteries.

They taste great and as they are so sweet they can curb your cravings for sugary foods meaning that you are less tempted to reach for the candy bars!

Pretty, fruity and sweet but packing a powerful punch pomegrnates are the She Ra of the superfood world!

 Bananaman - his superfood is a banana, obviously!

"OMG" it's Olive Oil (and we're not talking Popeye's missus!)

Although Olive oil is fat, it consists of healthy monounsaturated fat that aids digestion and is much better for you than the trans fats that are found in fast food and cakes and biscuits. The fatty acids in olive oil also trigger a protein in the body that causes you to feel fuller faster so you’re less likely to overindulge and eat too much!

Fatty but healthy and always with your best interests at heart, Olive Oil is the Mr Incredible of the superhero world.

"Aieeeee" for Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar has many medicinal uses including:

  • Treating yeast infections such as candida.
  • Applied topically it can relieve minor sunburn and jellyfish stings
  • Treating ear infections
  • It can help promote weight loss as part of a balanced diet and exercise routine
  • It can aid in skin detoxification when applied topically in a diluted form
  • Helping pre-digestion in the mouth
  • Relief from heartburn and arthiritis
  • Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
  • It contains high levels of potassium which means it is a great immune system booster

Another benefit of vinegar is its cleaning properties. It’s great at shifting grease from the bathroom, getting rid of mould and cleaning mirrors and windows!

In order to benefit from these medicinal properties it is important to buy the right type of vinegar. It should be apple cider vinegar and it should be unfiltered, unpasteurized and organic.

Versatile and ominipresent with a sharp tongue and visious afterbite, vinegar is the Wonder Woman of the superfood world.
"Clunk, Crash and Crunch" your Chili
Capsaicin is the component that gives chili it’s tingling heat. It inhibits the growth of fat cells and boosts your metabolic rate. People who eat chilies can burn up to an additional 209kJ a day! If you’re not a fan of hot food Capsaicin is available in tablet form.
Even the tablets can feel a little hot as you digest them so it is a good idea to take them with a little milk to counteract any minor afterburn or tingling!

Chili is such a hot sensation it's got to be Tomb Raider Lara Croft in the Suprfood microcosm.
Get your "Biff, Bap, Bang" with more Blueberries
Blueberries are low calorie and high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants
They confer the following health benefits:
  • Inhibit and prevent the development and growth of cancer - particularly colon cancer - and shrink existing cancerous tumors
  • Improve memory and help to prevent memory loss
  • Maintain coordination and balance
  • Reduce cholesterol levels and therefore protect the heart and help it to maintain healthy functionality
  • Prevent and help to heal urinary tract infections
They are delicious with a few tablespoons of coconut or plain yoghurt and a few strawberries, raspberries and pomegranate seeds.

Curvy and blue these little berries are reminiscent of Mystique from X-men
"Flash" freezing for Acai Berries
In their natural from Acai berries are a deep bluish purple colour. They are primarily found in the Brazilian rainforest and the indigenous tribes have made use of their medicinal properties for hundreds of years. Their arrival in the Western world is more recent because once picked, the berries are only at their peak for 24 hours before they start to turn and perish. In addition only 10% of the berry is edible and so it requires vast quantities of the fruit to make a sufficient amount to export to sell or make into tablet form. The discovery of new flash freezing techniques has meant that the product can now be preserved, exported and turned into tablet form more easily. The Acai berry has the following benefits:
  • Acting as an appetite suppressant
  • Boosting energy and stamina
  • Boositng your immune system
  • Helping to protect against heart disease
  • Reducing chances of diabetes
  • Helping to prevent the onset of Alzheimers
  • Increasing your libido
  • Reduce inflammation and delay aging
These little red berries remind us of Violet, Dash and Jacj-Jack the amazing kinds in The Incredibles!
    Other superfoods include fiber, apples, salmon, nuts, baked beans (try to get a variety with no added sugar), low-fat live yoghurt, bananas, popcorn, eggs, horseradish, blackcurrants , spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, beetroot and many more which we will look at in future blog posts.
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    Holy Healthkick Batfans how can you possibly not be healthy with these superhero superfoods?